
Ενισχύστε τους ζωντανούς θεατές για Twitch, YouTube, Trovo, WASD, VK Play

Πολύ χαμηλή τιμή

Μια ασφαλής μέθοδος εξαπάτησης

Περνάμε απολύτως όλους τους ελέγχους

Τεχνική υποστήριξη 24 επί 7

μεμονωμένες παραγγελίες

Πλήρης ανωνυμία

Σχετικά με εμάς

Περισσότερα από 15 έμπειρα άτομα θα επεξεργαστούν οποιαδήποτε από τις παραγγελίες σας.

Γιατί είμαστε;

Τεράστια εμπειρία σε αυτόν τον κλάδο, θα σας πούμε τι να κάνετε streaming και πότε, πόσο να στρίψετε.

Τι προσφέρουμε;

Γνωρίζουμε τα πάντα και προσφέρουμε οποιεσδήποτε υπηρεσίες για να εξαπατήσουμε θεατές, likes, followers.


Boosting on Trovo: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Boosting is the practice of artificially increasing the number of viewers on your online stream, enhancing chat activity, views, likes, and other metrics. This process helps create the impression of popularity and demand for the streamer, which attracts real viewers. We recommend using boosting in addition to regular and engaging content for maximum effect.

Our Trovo Boosting Services

Our service offers a wide range of boosting options for streams on the Trovo platform:

Viewer Boosting:

  • Minimal discrepancy rate — up to 10%.
  • Viewers can be either unauthenticated or authenticated (authenticated users appear in the chat).
  • The ability to choose the boosting duration.
  • Viewers can have either fixed or diverse geographical locations, which promotes streams in recommendations.
  • Boosting views on stream recordings is also available.

Follower Boosting:

  • The ability to boost from 10 followers.
  • Followers have quality accounts that are difficult to distinguish from real ones.

Active Chat:

  • A live chat service in one of the provided languages or bot boosting to create the appearance of an active and engaged chat.

Advantages of Working with Us

  • Fast and quality order execution.
  • Use of the latest and most relevant services.
  • 24/7 technical support in your preferred language.
  • Assistance in selecting the best services.
  • Affordable prices.
  • Convenient payment methods.
  • Refunds in case of improper service functioning.
  • Up to 90-day warranty on certain services.
  • The ability to create custom service packages tailored to your needs.
  • Discounts for large clients.
  • Open to cooperation, complaint resolution, and suggestions.

Our services will help you efficiently grow your audience and activity on the Trovo platform, attracting both viewers and advertisers.

Εξειδίκευση Αναζήτησης

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